Friday, June 25, 2010

Reflection on Sultan Abu Bakar Museum

Our first destination in Johor was to visit the intriguing Sultan Abu Bakar Museum . The building was inspired by ideas from Sultan Abu Bakar . Personally , i felt that the museum's architecture was clearly of the malay design as there were simple patterns for the tiling . The tiling sort of reminded me of the roof of various kampung that can be found in Johor .
There were two rooms of the musuem that i could vividly remember of . The first of the two were the traditional malay weapons room a.k.a. the Kris room . The room was filled with various types of kris which the guide said it was believed to hold a powerful spirit . He also said that the kris could be found in every household back then . It was used as a form of defence . To me , i felt that it would have been really cool if had owned one !
The second room was the hunting room . The room showcased the various animals that the king had hunted for . The animals included elephants tusks , tiger skin and also rhino horns . The animals which were hunted for signifies power . So the Sultan wanted to show his followers that he was a powerful man that nobody wants to mess with . Personally , i think that the king showed his superiority in a bad way . Instead of killing the animals , he should have done something else as the animals are not in wrong to be killed for that reason .

KHAIRUL ^^:DD (13) 2C

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