Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Video (Song)

We went to the oil palm field at Johor Baru
It smells very very freaking bad
The smell come from the dirty oil from the factory
Where it separates clean and dirty oil
Its harvested at the age of three
Same tree harvest thrice per month
It will ripe when five fruitlets drop
Oh Yea!
I'm Khairul Ridzuan
I am reporting live!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Research on Layang Layang Museum

There are three kinds of industries. They are: primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry. An industry that provides raw materials for other uses is known as primary industry. (E.g. farming, fishing, forestry and mining) A secondary industry converts primary products into manufactured goods. (E.g. manufacturing and construction) While tertiary industry provides services to people or other industries. (E.g. services and tourism)
Therefore, the Layang Layang Museum falls under the tertiary industry.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Research on Oil palms

Basically ,oil palm is a plantation agriculture ,a form of commercial farming whereby crops are grown for sale.It requires a large area of lands and a troprical climate ,countries that lie between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn (e.g Malaysia) .Those are countries which recieve high anuual temperature and rainfall.

Also,a large amount of capital and large labour are required in terms of building roads,buying machinery and building factories to process the crops harvested from the plantations,including fertilisers and pesticides as crops uses up the nutrients from the land quickly and to prevent the pest from destroying the plantation,therefore,it is used large quantities .As for labour,large number are needed due to the large size of plantation.Hence ,the output per unit is usually low since it covers a wide area of land.

Pictures of Sultan Abu Bakar Museum

Pictures on Layang Layang Museum


Overseas exchanged kites

Wau Puyuh

Wau Merak

Wau Kucing

Wau Kikiki Atau Layang Layang Laga

Wau Kebayak

Wau Kapal

Wau Jala Budi

Wau Helang

Wau Duan

Wau Doo Doo Atau Helang

Wau Bulan

*names below the images